Email Interview: Ryan Neumann

How long have you lived in Cedar City?

I have lived in Cedar for 13 years

Why do you want to be a part of the City Council?

I want to be part of the council to be a different voice. A voice for more fiscal responsibiliy, lower taxes, and keeping government small.

What do you think are the biggest issues in our community right now?

Probably the main issue for many is the economy. I worry about this too, but national government has really screwed things up. For me a big issue is for Cedar City to lead out in preserving our freedoms. I think we can do a lot at a local level.

When you think of Cedar City 5 or 10 years from now, what do you want to see?

In five years I would like to be able to look back and say that our taxes are not higher, we have reviewed building impact fees and possibly lowered them, and that our citizens are better off because local government is smaller and less intrusive.

What do you see as your top priorities if you are elected?

My top priority, if elected is to truly serve as a voice for freedom and keeping government functioning in as limited a role as possible in the lives of the citizens.

Share your thoughts about the following:

CATS- I would have to say that I think we could do without it. It is most likely a financial drain on the city. I would say let the private sector provide whatever service the community needs.

UTOPIA- I don't know much about it.

Aquatic center-
 I think that the city has planned poorly, the project will probably cost more than they are telling us, and it will probably be a financial drain on the city for years to come. I would suggest that the city could have come up with a better plan 10 years ago, saved money in when times were better, and then build without borrowing. Under the current plan to bond for the money, it could take as long as 30 year to pay for it. The interest alone would be a large sum of money and just as we are done paying for it, it will be wore out.
Jobs - I think jobs will take care of themselves if there is plenty of incentive for small business to expand take calculated risk. Right now we all need to find ways to cut costs, be more efficient, and find ways to build confidence in ourselves and each other. We shouldn't look to government to bail us out. we need to role up our sleeves and do what we can in our sphere of influence.

Parks and Recreation- I like having nice parks and trails. They are important but i don't think that the city should be spending money right now on any new parks.

Infrastructure- Cedar city has many great venues for hosting many things. One thing I would hope that the city is doing(and I think they are) is looking at ways to keep traffic moving from one side of I-15. Growing up in St. George I experienced the many bottle necks that slow the flow of traffic. As Cedar grows we will face the same problem unless we can plan now.

Why should a person vote for you?

People should vote for me if they have similar views, otherwise they may be disappointed.

What is the best way for people to learn more about you?

Probably the best way to learn about me would be to find people that know me and have personal experience with me and ask them. Or give me a call, my number is in the phone book.

and What's your favorite dessert?

My favorite dessert is probably German Chocolate cake with ice cream.

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